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Last month, we tore down the beloved Totem Box in the Ipso Gallery at Fresh Produce to make way for our current show, Artifact. The Totem Box high jinks became something special around the shop. Whether it was holding an important team meeting, or doing the "fire hose" to some Genesis, the Totem Box served as an impetus for creativity.

When it came time to tear down the old boy, we couldn't just go to town with a claw hammer and pitch the wood onto the burning pile. We had to send it out in style. And then we could take our claw hammer and go at it with the fury of a disgruntled beaver.

To help us bid farewell to the Totem Box, local musicians Chad McKinney a.k.a Doktor Barkey, and Thomas Hentges a.k.a Burlap Wolf King, each performed a three-song acoustic set within the plywood playground.

The Totem Box offered a unique acoustic setting for our artists. While vocals carom off of the walls, the open ceiling allows ambient noise to creep in, providing a more intimate feeling for the listener. In the first video for our Totem Box series, while Doktor Barkey performs "Train", you can even hear his four-year-old son taking in the performance.

Check back over the next few weeks as we continue our Totem Box series.

– The Music Director