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Artist: French Cowboy

"When recently presented with the band, French Cowboy, Oil Can gave listen.  Here’s what the Can learned (in order); they’re not Cowboys.  They don’t play country and western*.  They are French.  They play rock.  And Oil Can likes. Oil Can."


Artist: Steve Thorpe

Album: Reasons **

"He plays guitar like he’s from the Mississippi River delta, with driving rhythms and playful melodies and blows soulful, bendy solos on harmonica. But he’s far from a Dylan wannabe. He has a regional flair that’s unmistakably South Dakota-inspired."

North 40 is a collection of the musical musings of RGT contributors and listeners, in 40 words or less. If you have music to share, send your musical musings to

– The Music Director


* Generally located, among Oil Can’s personal baggage, is a country-and-western ambition.  Oil Can is far more far more aligned with Gene Autry than Gene Simmons.   Can drives old Ford’s trucks.  Usually.  In Can’s wardrobe hangs dead men’s western suits and he appreciates the simple pleasure of a meal of coffee, bacon and hard tack.  Oil Can usually refers to his toast as “hard tack”.  Oil Can owns a long-haired wiener dog named “Wild Bill Hickock”.   Wild Bill is of an uneasy temperament.  These things are true.

** The album comes from a wandering Black Hills Bluesman and is a great way to get back into the groove of West River after four years of college in a big city. His lyrics cover topics ranging from lost love and being broke in The Hills to a grandma who just wants to dance.